Friday, January 13, 2012

Junk Food

For the past few months, I have been making an attempt to change some bad habits. I have been eating healthier, and exercising a few mornings a week before work. I hate sweating first thing in the morning, it is absolutly terrible. I cannot imagine an activity I despise more than that. But I do feel better on the days that I work out. The eating healthy has been much easier. I was never much into lots of meat anyway, so limiting myself to one meat per day isn't that difficult. I love vegetables too, so that’s easy as well. My problem has always been that perfectly cooked, fresh vegetables aren't in a bag in the cupboard. That’s where the potato chips live, and they are easier to get to than the things that are much better for me.


This morning I could have made myself a good breakfast, I certainly had time. Or even a bagel or something, that would have been good too. But I didn’t. I just went to work.


I poured a cup of coffee. Out of the corner of my eye I see a orange and white box. I turn. "Oooh, donuts". I grab a crème-filled one. I gently walk it back to my desk. I sit down and think, "I probably shouldn't eat this, not because its soooo bad, but because there's nothing good in it." I reach in my drawer a pull out my multivitamin bottle. I take one every day, but today the irony was thicker than usual.


We consistently seek out the cheapest, easiest things to feed ourselves with, and in doing so, we are left unfulfilled. We have thousands of pages of the bread of God's Word at our fingertips and we continually choose the Tasty-cakes and donuts. R.C. Sproul said "Our culture is embedded in proud mediocrity; junk art, junk music, junk thinking, and we've accommodated it with junk church"




  1. Great post--took an interesting religious turn I wasn't expecting toward the end. Be strong--purge as much junk as possible from your life!
