Wednesday, February 8, 2012




Anymore, I care, but I don’t really care. I get fired up about issues that are important to me, like anyone else. I have those that I support, I diligently research my vote. I advocate my position when asked. I think it is important to be informed about politics, because you are involved whether you want to be or not.


But overall, I just don’t care anymore.


I have more important things to care about.


“There are some Brothers who, in preaching, are as timid as mice—but on a political platform they can roar like lions! Had not

they better take to what they like best and give up the work at which they are not at home? For my part, I believe that I am like

Paul when he says that he was “separated unto the Gospel of God.” I am set apart unto the Gospel, cut off from everything else so

that I may preach the glorious Gospel of the blessed God to the perishing sons of men!

—C.H. Spurgeon. 1892, Sermon #2257

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