What Doesn't Matter!
What I eat
What I drink
My clothing
What I look like
My hairstyle
How straight my teeth are
My weight
The music style I prefer
What language I speak
If I have a funny accent
The people around me
The color of my skin
My gender
What my neighbor is doing
What Congress is doing
My political beliefs
The local news
The national news
The world news
Where I live
My nationality
What church I go to
My job (or lack of)
How fast I can type
My vocabulary
My sports ability
My public speaking skill
My age
My parents
My spouse
My child(ren)
My perceived maturity
Having a college degree
Having multiple college degrees
Not having a high school diploma
What I have done in the past
What other people think of me
Anyone else.
What Does Matter!
That I love the Lord my God; with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
That I love my neighbor as myself.
That I take up my cross, and follow Him.