Tuesday, April 17, 2012


                Maybe it's because I'm getting physically older. Maybe it's because I'm maturing in my faith. Maybe it’s because of something I've heard, or read, or seen. Maybe it's none of those.

                Either way, I'm obsessing less and less about others. I've stopped being concerned with the minor things that don’t matter, that don’t affect me in the least.

                What I have been obsessing about is myself. Because that’s what's important. I'm not being conceited or anything. We focus too much on the flaws of others, the failings of others, how they’ve hurt us. The things they do, the things they don’t do. The things they believe, the things they don’t believe. What we don’t do is turn those questions around on ourselves. I've been asking myself this lately.

What have I been doing?

What haven't I been doing?

How have I failed?

How have I succeeded?

What do I believe?

What don't I believe?


Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

Matthew 7:3